Friday, August 5, 2011

Lists, Lists, Lists

For the first trip to Russia, I had a list on the wall, type written 2 pages long.

I am creating lists through out the day when something comes to my mind I write it down. I have realized that for the second, three week trip, I am thinking the lists will be 3-4 pages long lol.

I highly suggest lists due to the amount of items you must complete from tourist or business visas, to doggie kennels, vet faxing in case of an emergency down to what to bring for the children. The pack list is 1 page in itself. And when it comes down to a possible 10 day to 3 week notice, we must be prepared to pick up and go.

Items like showing the house sitter around, buying those last minute travel necessities, having a copy of the dossier to take with me, lab reports, chest x-ray discs, emergency numbers, buying cat food, getting the little girl's room ready to sleep in when she returns and so much more. Time consuming so even if you haven't received the call yet, best to just plan on getting some of these done ahead of time since when the call does come in, you will be busy getting money exchanged, working on the visas and travel arrangements. All time consuming as well so setting priorities within time periods is the best way to go.

I did not realize this as much the first adoption and we had to run around with our heads cut off. Probably will end up doing it again anyways, lol.