Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hello! March 19th here.

Well, we are not holding our breath, however we were just told we will possibly move to Number 1 tomorrow on the referral list or (slim) chance receive a referral. Bottom line is she asked us how fast we would be able to move if we did get a referral. Hmm, well I am not going to get my hopes up and take a see it to believe it attitude, this way I can just go with the flow.

Of course though, the moment we know anything, either option, we are ready to go! Maybe I will just sit back and breathe a little bit. Wow.


Shane & Marie said...

I will keep my fingers crossed for you! You never know what could happen. One day we were told we were #2 on the list and 3 days later we got Bryson's referral!

Anonymous said...

Listen, your going about this the right way expect it to take awhile, but be surprised if it doesn't! Its how I kept my sanity!

Sagoober said...

Funny, it will be a bummer, yet pretty cool, if you're gone in April...