Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, waiting, waiting....
Despite a few items I am still a bit confused about, which I hope to clear up in a couple of days, I have resorted to the fact that it is officially now a waiting game. A waiting game full of curiosity, fear, love, hope, confidence, excitement, frustration and so much more.
This is truly a path for the strong as it is testing us to the extreme, physically and emotionally.

When at one time looking at his picture calmed us, now it seems it saddens almost as we just can't bear to think we could lose him. With hope and a bit of leaning on one another, Michael and I will forge through each day keeping busy and listening to the advice from our family and friends.

We are lucky to think we have 4 sets of family and friends visiting at different times in April and the beginning of May, which will surely keep us busy and hopefully time will pass a little sooner. We also have one of our baby showers a friend is hostessing. LOL, we do spend most of our time hoping time will slow down, and now I am like, speed it up, but just for a few months hehe.

With any luck this wait will be the best wait ever!
The good part I guess is I am half way done with dossier 2, the stuff I can do early.

I will clean and watch Disney for therapy :)

1 comment:

Shane & Marie said...

The wait is hard, no doubt about it. I remember look at the referral picture many times every day till we left. I'm glad you will have lots of family visiting to help keep you busy.