Monday, December 7, 2009

Almost 3 months home with our Aloysha (Logan)

As we look back over the last 3 months watching some of our videos and talking with Logan, we see how much he has grown (almost 4 inches since we have had him) and how much he has developed. But mostly, we see how much we have fallen in love with our little boy.
The moments when we are so tired we can barely lift an arm and he is asking us to run down the hall and chase him just one more time, we do it or the moment when he has just thrown the entire spaghetti plate on the carpet, we ask the dog to come over or when he has put on mom's shoes (dad's are too heavy) and a big hat and glasses, we laugh with him while he giggles across the floor attempting to walk, or when he races down the hall looking at us and we are after him trying to get him to stop looking at us and watch where he is going before he runs into the wall he is heading into, we give him hugs, all in all, through laughter, new experiences, tears, and his first romp in his snow boots, we are so happy to have been given this amazing little boy.

We could not have done it without the help of Partners for Adoption and I have never been more relieved and satisfied with our agency and the people we spent a year with working towards bringing our child home.

This is a great fear and a risk with hope entering adoption and it is a heavy decision and as I look back now that we have been home for 3 months, I see it was the best decision of our lives.


Anonymous said...

3 months already! GOsh! This christmas will be something to remember!

amy said...

So happy that all is going so well! Logan is SUCH a cutie!

Shane & Marie said...

I can't believe it has been 3 months! He sounds like he is growing and doing well. We have had all those moments (minus the spagetti) and regardless, we realize it is all worth it!

Shelly and Steve said...

He really is sooo adorable!! You all are going to have such a great Christmas. Maybe next year you can celebrate at Disney and our kiddos can meet :o)

Very glad to hear you were pleased with your agency. It is such a huge factor and you just never know. We're really struggling right now and have no idea when we'll be able to get back for our little miss.